The Pastors’ Post – Lismore Lockdown

Welcome to the Pastors’ Post, an update for life at Southern Cross.

As you will know, many parts of the Northern Rivers is now in a snap lockdown until the 17th of August. I wonder how you are feeling about it? Did you think it was inevitable? Did you think ‘not again!’? Did you think ‘why could someone be so reckless?’, as some of the details around the cause of the lockdown emerged yesterday.

Though the details of the Sydney residents’ movement around the Northern Rivers is still trying to be determined, my mind went to Psalm 73 and I listened to a Bible talk from it this morning. Do you know Psalm 73? Let me read a portion:

13 Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure
    and have washed my hands in innocence.
14 All day long I have been afflicted,
    and every morning brings new punishments.

Is that what it may feel like to you? In vanity you have strived to follow recommendations for the actions of one, to afflict a whole district.  We might be like why? What is the point of all this? What is the purpose of this angst? It may be some time until we understand the why? It may never be clear. But we understand somehow, some way, our Father God weaves our story.

What are the implications of the lockdown for Southern Cross Presbyterian Church? A ZOOM subscription has be activated for each Gospel Community to enable you to meet for DNAs. Speak to your Gospel Community Vision Coordinators for more information over the next day or two.

This Sunday we will have our ‘Sunday Scatterings’ return via a ZOOM webinar. Check the website for login details later this week.  

Christianity Explored will be available on ZOOM this Thursday night, 7pm-8pm. We will send through those details to the participants.   

The Youth and Kids Church team will send out information later this week about their plans for the weekend.

The lockdown does mean the Young Adults Weekend Away this weekend to Lennox Head has been postponed for the moment.

For those planning to go to the Christianity Explored Weekend Away in Evans Head in September, we will send out registration details on Friday and wait to hear further updates regarding restrictions for that time.

Pray this post has been a helpful update – our thoughts and prayers are with you over the week ahead. You might like to work on your calico for Celebration Sunday. You can go to a Pastors’ Post from a couple of weeks ago where I explain what you need to do with that. Also there is an example on the website.

Perhaps catch up on a couple of chapters from Knowing God and yet always know our Father God weaves our story. He has an open ear and will hear your prayers. And he speaks to us through his Word. Let me read another portion from Psalm 73:

 23 Yet I am always with you;
    you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:23-26

Thanks for tuning into the Pastors’ Post – stay tuned for another one this Friday 13th August.

Posted in General, Pastors Post

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