Sunday 15th August

This Sunday 15th August, while we’re all in a Covid Lockdown, we invite everyone to join our Sunday ‘Scattering’ on ZOOM from 9:45am for 10am and 5:45pm for 6pm.


We’ll continue our Term 3 Series ‘What Must I Do To Be Saved?’ looking at God’s plan for mission as he provides a way of salvation to the world.

Matt Crosthwaite will open up the Bible to Hosea chapters 1 & 3 to help us see how God’s faithfulness is unlike any other! Even though we are unfaithful to God, he is faithful to his promise to us – pursuing us and purchasing us at such a cost to himself in order to bring us back into a relationship with him. We’ll be asking the question: How far would you go to rescue someone you love?

If you’re unable to join us on Zoom this Sunday, you’re welcome to listen to an audio recording of the Bible talk here on our website.


Hello families,

We pray you are safe and well at this time. We’ve put together some resources for you to use over the weekend. We pray you’ll use them to spark some family discussion and be reminded of the faithfulness of our good and gracious God.

If you’d like to continue in our series, From Genesis to Revelation – God’s Great Story of Salvation,  watch Hosea, Prophet to Israel (The Gospel Project for Kids) as a family and discuss what we can learn about God, and ourselves, from this story.

Your children might like to colour and create a Big Idea puzzle. There are three difficulty levels:

Big Idea puzzle – 9 piece.pdf 

Big Idea puzzle – 20 piece.pdf 

Big Idea puzzle – 40 piece.pdf 

You could spend some time praying together:

  • Thank God that even when we are unfaithful to him, he is ALWAYS faithful.
  • Ask for forgiveness for the times when we have been unfaithful to God.
  • Thank God for keeping his promises, for remaining faithful, and for sending the rescue that we needed.
  • Ask for help to share the good news of salvation through Jesus!

Also, we’ve been learning a Memory verse – Genesis 12:1-3.pdf over the first half of the term. Why don’t you see if your child/ren can share it with you?

We were to start learning a new memory verse next week, but we thought you could get a head start on it. K-2 children might like to watch John 3:16 Memory Verse Video and start learning the words and actions.

3-6 can read, colour and display Memory verse mindfulness.pdf as they start to learn the verses.

And lastly, we’ve been learning a really great song – SovereignGraceKids – All About Jesus (Lyrics). Get your children to share it with you and teach you the actions! It’s really catchy!

We would LOVE to see some photos/videos of you, your creations, memory verses or song actions! Please send them through to

The Kids team will miss seeing you all on Sunday. Please know that we are praying for you and can’t wait to see you again soon.

Peita and the Kids Team

Posted in General

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