Monthly Archives: April 2020

Good Friday

Friday 10th April 2020 Welcome! To our Good Friday Scattering online. Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word as we open to Luke 23:26-43 and see that Jesus came not as a political

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Daily Devotional Luke 24:25-36

Read Luke 24:25-36 Two of Jesus’ followers (one named Cleopas) are walking to Emmaus, lamenting Jesus’ death and seemingly having lost faith in him. Jesus (in hidden form) starts walking with them but they don’t recognise him (#). After they

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At Home with Colin Today!

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Daily Devotionals Luke 24:13-24

Read Luke 24:13-24“What are you discussing together as you walk along?” It’s a loaded question. As though he doesn’t know. But it’s clear that Jesus is putting it on. He’s got a plan. He’s preparing to teach them a lesson.

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