Monthly Archives: October 2014

Book Review: Serving Without Sinking

Contrary to the belief of some the title is not ‘serving without stinking’, nor is it ‘serving without thinking’ and its definitely not ‘sinking without serving’ (although quite often we do see this one lived out in practice), the book

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Taiwan Blog: Day 10

This morning we made a visit to a local Christian orphanage for babies who have been abandoned. The Scott’s had fostered a child from there recently. It was an emotional time for me as I’m expecting a baby early next

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Taiwan blog: day 9

This morning we spent time at the Eden community centre which has a Christian early childhood section that helps at risk children. It was good to be able to interact with them and also their parents and grandparents. We had

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Taiwan Blog: Day 8

This morning we went prayer walking with Marshal and his TEAM mate Jeremy. We made two new contacts with local men in the markets. Jimmy is a young man who sells fruit and Ian has a fresh fish stall. Please

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