Monthly Archives: July 2010

Growup: Day 194

Jeremiah 1-2 Anyone itching to be a prophet?! Just read Jeremiah 1 and you’ll have that itch well and truly scratched! How hard it must have been for Jeremiah to proclaim the word of the Lord fearlessly! BUT, he did

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Grow up: Day 193

2 Kings 23:35-25:30, 2 Chron 36:1-36:23 The end has come? These sections see the close of both books and the close of a significant chapter of Judah’s history. The end has come for the city of Jerusalem, its kings and

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safari 2010 – Sons of God

1 Sleep to go… 52 youth 14 leaders 104 hours together 5 great talks from Galatians I am pumped (well sort of)  

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Grow up: Day 190

2 Chron 34:14-35:27 It is quite refreshing hearing of the reign of Josiah. The writer has many words of praise for him: As long as he lived, they did not fail to follow the LORD, the God of their fathers.

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