Monthly Archives: April 2010

Via Dolorosa (Good Friday Song)

Via Dolorosa is Latin for “the way of grief”, and is the name of the road in Jerusalem that Jesus walked along carrying his cross to his crucifixion. [audio:|titles=Via Dolorosa (Good Friday 2010)] Via Dolorosa (Good Friday 2010) <– Right

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Growup:Day 92

2 Sam 18:1-20:3 With the death of Absalom you might expect order to return to Gods people. It begins that way too. The people are hurrying to get to the King as he returns to the Jordon. Even Shimei (remember

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grow strong boot camp

Breaks for the Easter Holiday : 2nd, 9th and 16th of April

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2 Samuel 14:25 – 17:29 Happy April fools – I was trying to think of something funny to write but couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t offensive. Anyway have a good day. The more I read the Old Testament the

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