Monthly Archives: February 2010

Growup: Day 55

Deuteronomy 24-27 I find it amazing how day after day as I read God’s law, my inclination at many points is to think “that seems a little unfair/bloodthirsty/harsh/unloving etc etc etc”. The only possible explanation for this is that I

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Growup: Day 54

Deuteronomy 20-23 Wow! Ya go away for a couple of weeks and 14 days pass you by! Funny that… Reading Deuteronomy 20 (which the NIV subtitles “going to war”) I couldn’t help but think of Paul’s instruction for Timothy to

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Growup: Day 53

Deuteronomy 16:1-19:21 In Deuteronomy 17:14-20 we hear of the requirements of those who would lead Israel as king over the people. Here it outlines what a true leader of Gods people will uphold and abhor. Yet when the kingship is

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This Week’s Bible Talk

This week’s Bible Talk took us to 1 Timothy 2:8-15 where we discovered that God has designed a plan for the way things are to be done. We need to trust that God honours what He is doing. We can

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