Monthly Archives: January 2010

Growup: Day 11

Genesis 35:16 – 38:30 A pregnant lady on a journey to Bethlehem – remind you of any particular part of the Bible? Before today I wouldn’t have answered: “sure – Genesis35!” I’m not sure what the connection is yet –

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Growup: Day 10

Genesis 32:1-35:15 I hope ya still going strong. Well Genesis seems to go from one strange story to another. I’ve got to admit that I do find it pretty funny that Jacob’s sons attack Shechem and his people while they

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Grow up: Day 9

Gen 29:31-31:55 (Stewart Playsted) The birth of a shocking nation? I can’t help but being shocked by the account of the beginnings of the nation Israel (the 12 sons of Jacob). What a shock that God chose people like this.

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Growup: Day 8

Genesis 26:1 – 29:30 So much deception – its like days of our lives (not that I watch this show) – Isaac deceives his neighbours about Rebekah being his sister, not his wife because he was afraid that he might

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