Monthly Archives: January 2010

Growup: Day 20

Exodus 15:1 – 17:16 These chapters are such a contrast – it starts of with Israel giving great praise to God of His might, His majesty and His faithfulness… Look at verse 13: “In your unfailing love you will lead

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Growup: Day 19

Hi folks, sorry for the delay in today’s ruminations… Exodus12-14 WOW! It’s harder to think of a more distinct OT shadow of the gospel than the one we can see in these chapters. God’s people are trapped in slavery to

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Growup: Day 18

Exodus 8:20 – 11:10 Well it’s the third day in Exodus. I hope that you are still cruising through. I guess the thing I have found most encouraging over the last three days is God’s faithfulness, that he is still

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Growup: Day 16

Exodus 1-4 A new book, and many generations have passed, but the story continues… Under God’s hand, Israel have continued to prosper in the land of Egypt and have become a great nation. So great that the current pharaoh sees

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