Monthly Archives: January 2010

Almighty God

Performed by Peter Yock in 2009, with the help of Matt Simpson, Ryan Davis & Pooch. Words & Music by Tim Hughes. [audio:|titles=Almighty God – scpc band] Almighty God <– right click here to download

Posted in Music

Psalm 51

Performed by Hannah Kinton & Peter Yock  on 3rd January 2010. Music by Tim Smith (from Mars Hill Church) [audio:|titles=Psalm 51] Psalm 51 <– right click here to download

Posted in Music

His King (original song by peter yock)

Written and Performed at Celebration Sunday 2009 by Peter Yock (with the help of Matt Simpson, Ryan Davis, and Pooch) [audio:|titles=his king] his king <– right click here to download

Posted in Music

Growup: Day 21

Exodus 18:1-23:16 Good morning fellow readers. Well as I have already said in previous blogs there are some strange stories in the OT. Moses taking advice from his father in-law surely has to be one of those stories. Even though

Posted in General