Monthly Archives: June 2009

Growing Stronger Marriages

I often get asked for advice on good resources for growing stronger marriages. I also often find myself involved with husbands & wives who’ve been too embarrassed to ask for advice but should have! Anyway, if you fit into either

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The Prodigal God

Many of you would be aware that I went to Presbyterian Youth’s winter camp. It was a great camp and we will be thinking about how it can tie in with what we have been doing up here on the

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SAFARI is a weeklong camp were the youth leaders take the youth away to learn more about Jesus and to build relationships. Most of the youth love SAFARI and it has grown to be a real highlight in the youth

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A heart for people: God, emotions and ministry

Last weekend, Katharine, Ryan and myself ventured down to the cold of Stanwell Tops to attend the AFES (Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students) apprentice conference. Over the weekend, we looked into God’s character and how we can see through the

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